Parameter estimation of reverberation using neural network
Master Thesis by Søren Vøgg K. Lyster
Sound and Music Computing, 2022-05
A custom implementation of a feedback delay network reverberator has been made as a VST3 using JUCE.
The source code to the repository can be found here, and the latest version compiled for x86_64 Ubuntu 18.04 can be found here
The neural network for estimating the reverberator parameters can be found here. The Jupyter Notebook ReverberatorEstimator.ipynb contains the setup that has been used to create the network.
The evaluation has been done with three different blackbox reverberators. Impulse responses have been created for all three cases with the following input audio:
Impulse response (Target / Estimated):
Drums (Blackbox / Estimated):
Piano (Blackbox / Estimated):
Vocals (Blackbox / Estimated):
Figures for blackbox/estimated
Impulse response (Target / Estimated):
Drums (Blackbox / Estimated):
Piano (Blackbox / Estimated):
Vocals (Blackbox / Estimated):
Figures for blackbox/estimated
Impulse response (Target / Estimated):
Drums (Blackbox / Estimated):
Piano (Blackbox / Estimated):
Vocals (Blackbox / Estimated):